Daily Witchery – Communing with the Faery Realm

Faery Tree in the Neighborhood
Faery Tree in the Neighborhood

The art of spiritual communion is the masterful art of making of relationship with the world around us. We enjoy relationships with others in our family and community, and with our beloved pets and plants everyday, but what about those entities who are not embodied but with whom we share a planet?

Adam enjoying Gardening Day

The Faery are perhaps one of the most accessible non-corporal beings with whom we have historically communed as a species. The Faery (and there are lots of references from many cultures that describe them, including their name as Devas) exist as ancestral beings grounded within the physical plane that we share with them, but who dwell in a slightly different frequency of time.

We can become aware of them by first recognizing the sentience and intelligence of nature. This is evident in the sophisticated patterns of the natural world and in the complex interactions that make up the lifecycle.

Passion Flower

From our human perspective, the Faery appear to play an integral role in regulating the elemental interfaces between the physical and the etheric worlds that manifest as natural phenomena. The energy that fuels the physical originates in a realm beyond ours which moves through the Faery realm and is perceived by us to be elemental power that funds or animates life as we know it. This elemental power is seen in those primal energies that are beyond human capabilities and integral to the earth’s homeostasis.

Rainbow on the Yukon Rail Passage in Canada

The Faery are involved in all tectonic, atmospheric, volcanic, and oceanic earth dynamics, as well as in glaciated, forested, and desert environments. We’re talking earthquakes, storm clouds, rainbows, calderas, oceans, rivers, glaciers, oak and redwood forests — any place where the elements come together to fuel the life cycle as it constantly transforms. These natural power nexuses are where the Faery are present and doing their ancestral work.

Sunlight Glistening on the Pacific Ocean

To begin the practice of communion with the Faery, one must first be able to sense them. It takes a new eye to see where their energy is, one that is not bogged down with overly rational thinking that limits what we are able experience.

Waterfall in the Tracy Arm, Alaska

Above is a waterfall in the glaciated fjord that is the Tracy Arm in Alaska. I saw and felt the Faery energy of this sacred spring as we cruised in this ancient passage. If you use your intuitive vision maybe you can see the Devic being indwelling the fall even as earth, water, sky come together in a dance that feeds the fjord from snow pack as it travels down the ancient cliffs. I was absolutely ecstatic and jumping for joy on our boat when I was fortunate enough to witness this Faery interplay.

Red rock face at Joshua Tree National Park, Ca.

Here is another example of witnessing a Faery energy, and it is an old one. I love Josuha Tree so much and I took my wizard husband down there for the first time. Here the Faery energy is very obvious in the amazing rock formation that seems to us to have the face of an ancestor. As I perceived it I was filled with joy, which is a tell-tale sign that you are dealing with Faery energy, because they are ultimately joyful and playful even as they are serious about their work. It is always exalted and uplifting to be able to perceive them and in fact I spend a lot of my trying to do just that. More on this to come. May we remember our blessings in the world of nature and give back to those that sustain us. Namaste!